Don’t let Quarantine Days Affect your Studies. Endeed presents Best Online Classes from Home!

Nikhil Kumar
3 min readMay 29, 2021


Finding it difficult to study at home? Well, Edneed is here to let you access easy online classes from home. The Edneed giant is known for creating state-of-the-art products and solutions that empower schools and help students achieve better learning outcomes. As the realm of education is struggling amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Edneed is helping schools and students with its revolutionary products, and the all-new feature of online classes is proving to be a blessing in precarious times.

Exciting Features of Edneed Online Classes from Home

Edneed has been empowering schools for the last 5 years with its innovations (School mobile app). To ensure the continuity of learning amidst the ongoing pandemic, Edneed developed the module of online classes. Here are its remarkable features.

Video Sharing

Here teachers and educators can provide online classes with this latest module. Students and learners can get a glimpse of the classroom while studying in the comfort of their homes. Learners can interact with their teachers and classmates to learn in a better and digital way.

Online Assignments

The goal of online classes is not just to provide live lectures to students but also to provide better and easy results. Hence, online assignments help teachers to make sure that students and learners know the chapters and retain what is being taught. Students can work on the tasks and share digitally within the allocated time.

Internal Messaging

This feature helps teachers initiate in-class conversations. Teachers can share the schedules of the lectures and online classes to the (students)parents. Not to mention, various important messages can also be sent to parents with this feature.

Online File Sharing

Teachers may not be able to cover all the important pointers during an online session. Hence, the feature of online file sharing helps them to share important notes and files such as formulae, dates, chapters, etc. with the students.

Online Project Submission

Just like the assignment feature, online project submission helps to strengthen the process of learning among students. Teachers can share the project’s objective, and students can share the same with the online class module.

Exciting Features of Edneed Online Classes from Home

While Edneed LMS software helps manage the tasks of administration, the latest feature of online classes is helping teachers provide education to students in the comfort of their homes. These are some benefits of online classes from home.

Improved Attendance

Nowadays schools shut down due to the ongoing pandemic, students have to attend classes from their homes. One good thing about learning from home is that students don’t have to travel long distances or wake up very early in the morning to attend classes. Hence, attendances improve while teachers provide online classes to students. Students have to be present during the scheduled time to attend the classes which are not necessary for other digital learning methods.

Higher Engagement Levels

While providing online classes with Edneed, teachers can monitor student activities. So, students have to be attentive during the lessons. This improves engagement levels and enhances the performance of students. Teachers can ask frequent questions to learners and test them in real-time.

Better Tracking and Evaluation

With Edneed online classes, teachers can interact with students and ensure better delivery of lessons. They can easily track the learning ability and performance of any student. It closely copiess the actual brick-and-mortar model of a classroom; the only difference is that the classes are being provided virtually. Hence, educators can customize the delivery of lectures as per the learning patterns of learners.

Lesser Distractions for Better Learning

Since every student learns from his/her home, there are no peer distractions. This allows students and learners to focus more on what is being taught. Teachers can also use various interactive resources such as videos and images to help students understand different concepts and topics better.

There’s no denying that quarantine is giving schools and students a tough time, but with Edneed online classes, learning can get a lot easier. All you need to do is keep trying until you fulfill the best results. You will succeed!

Well, If you have less time in figuring out the Best LMS Service Provider for your School, coaching center, university, you may contact school management software.



Nikhil Kumar

I help businesses succeed online with effective online marketing strategies and expertise in various channels.